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Welcome to Bitrex®
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Bitrex is the brand name of the most bitter substance yet discovered. It's over 50 years since Macfarlan Smith discover Bitrex, and we want the world to know! Throughout 2010, we will be participating in numerous events to promote the use of Bitrex, and the added peace of mind it provides to parents, manufacturers and retailers globally. Now, more than ever, we are all focussing on our environment, both inside and outside of our homes. Bitrex can help make our world a better, place.

We are proud to have set the standard for bittering agents, and we don't want you to accept anything less. The Bitrex logo is a mark of quality, and can only be used on products that have passed our strict criteria. No other bittering agent offers you the assurance and credibility of Bitrex. Better to be safe than sorry, which is why You Better Check It...

Bitrex is the ideal safety additive to help prevent increase the potential damage from accidental poisonings, while ensuring that our environment, both inside and outside the home, is a better place to be.

Where is Bitrex used ?